Middle School / Life Science

Acid Rain and Seed Germination

In this lab, students will use pH sensors to determine the effect of acid rain on the germination of bean seeds.

Middle School / Life Science

Acid's Effect on Teeth

In this lab, students will use pH sensors to quantitatively describe the acidity of various beverages.

Middle School / Life Science

Air Pressure and the Lungs

In this lab, students will use absolute pressure sensors to measure changes in air pressure within a model “chest cavity” while causing the syringe...

Middle School / Life Science

Muscle Fatigue

In this lab, students will use force sensors to investigate and observe changes in the muscular movement of bones during a prolonged period of sustained...

Middle School / Life Science


In this lab, students will use light and absolute pressure sensors to measure changes in light and pressure in an aquatic ecosystem as an Elodea or other...

Middle School / Life Science

Recovery Heart Rate

In this lab, students will use heart rate sensors to determine their resting heart rates, their heart rates with exercise, and their recovery heart rates.

Middle School / Life Science

Seasonal Pond Exploration

In this lab, students will use pH sensor and temperature sensors to measure temperature and pH over the course of a day in a vernal pond.

Middle School / Life Science

Sunlight and Photosynthesis in Aquatic Plants

In this lab, students will use pH sensors to demonstrate the relationship between photosynthesis...

Middle School / Life Science

Thermoregulation of Body Temperature

In this lab, students will use fast response temperature sensors to record the temperatures of various body parts. Students will learn that body parts...

Middle School / Life Science


In this lab, students will use weather sensors to measure changes in humidity and temperature of a small potted plant over a 24-hour period.

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