High School / Engineering

StructureBOT Navigates through a Maze

The StructureBot is programmed to navigate through a maze using the turnLeft, turnRight, and moveADistance...

High School / Engineering

StructureBOT Goes to a Point and Returns

The StructureBOT is programmed to go to a point by using the moveADistance and Turn Right functions...

High School / Engineering

Turn the StructureBOT

Learn how to make the StructureBOT turn left and right by 90 degrees, pivoting about the center of the bot.

High School / Engineering

Create a Blockly Function for the StructureBOT

Create a Blockly function that moves the StructureBOT forward or backward a specified distance.

High School / Engineering

Move the StructureBOT

Using PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue Blockly software, program the StructureBOT to move forward and backward.

High School / Engineering

Build the StructureBOT

This activity has detailed directions for assembling the StructureBOT (ME-7029).

High School / Engineering

Introduction to Structures

This activity explores how parts of the PASCO Structures are assembled.

High School / Engineering

Introduction to Stepper Motors

This activity explores the control of stepper motors using a //control.Node in preparation for performing sense and control experiments with the Motorized...

High School / Engineering

Introduction to Servo Motors

This activity explores the control of servo motors using a //control.Node in preparation for performing sense and control experiments with the StructureBOT...

High School / Engineering

Introduction to the //control.Node

This activity explores all the features of the //control.Node in preparation for performing sense and control experiments with the Motorized Drawbridge,...

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