Showing 61 experiments that use the Wireless pH Sensor.

High School / Biology

Membrane Permeability (pH sensor)

Students use a pH sensor to explore which substances can and cannot pass through a cell membrane model.

Advanced Placement / Biology


Students use a pH sensor to investigate the diffusion of hydrogen ions through a semipermeable membrane, comparing the rates of diffusion for two solutions...

High School / Chemistry

Titration Curves

Students will use a pH Sensor and a Drop Counter to explore the shape of a titration curve produced by the titration of a strong acid and a weak acid by...

High School / ChemistryPhysical Science

pH of Household Chemicals

Students will use a pH sensor to determine the pH of common household substances.

Advanced Placement / Biology


Students use a pH sensor to investigate the diffusion of hydrogen ions through a semipermeable membrane, comparing the rates of diffusion for two solutions...

High School / Chemistry

Physical or Chemical Change

Students use a pH Sensor, a Conductivity Sensor, and a Temperature Sensor to collect evidence that supports their conclusion about whether a chemical or...

High School / Chemistry

Chemical Reactions

Students predict products of a series of chemical reactions and use a temperature, conductivity, and pH sensor to verify a chemical change.

High School / Chemistry

What is pH?

Students use a pH sensor to test the pH of a set of serial dilutions and make a connection between the pH value (& pOH) of a solution and its hydrogen...

High School / Chemistry

Titration of an Unknown Acid

Students use a pH sensor to conduct a strong acid and weak acid titration with a strong base.

High School / Chemistry

Antacids: An Inquiry Study

Students use a pH sensor to investigate how antacid tablets work and use a back titration method to determine how much of the active ingredient is found...

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