The laboratory portion of the College Board AP® Physics 2 course is a key factor in preparing students for the AP Physics 2 exam. For students, these practical activities help link theoretical concepts to real-life situations while also arming them with the scientific inquiry, logical reasoning, and analytical thinking skills to excel in college science courses.

advanced Physics 2 teacher lab manual

Advanced Physics 2 Lab Manual

Help students tie theory to practice with sixteen guided inquiry labs for AP Physics 2.

Authored by physics educators, the Advanced Physics 2 Lab Manual includes sixteen guided inquiry labs that cover AP Physics 2 topics such as fluid dynamics, optics, interference and diffraction, magnetic fields, electricity, RC Circuits, and Planck’s Constant.

AP Physics 2 Course Alignment

Each investigation addresses at least one Learning Objective and Science Practice for Advanced Placement® Physics 2, as outlined in the College Board AP® Physics 2: Algebra-Based Course and Exam Description.

This page provides AP Physics 2 alignment details for the labs inside PASCO’s Advanced Physics 2 Lab Manual. A complete list of applicable AP Physics 2 Big Ideas, Learning Objectives, and Science Practices is provided for each lab. High school alignment details, including NGSS-alignment details, can be found inside the Teacher Guide included with each lab.

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Physics 2 Alignment Sheet

Download the AP Physics 2 Alignment Sheet.

Equation Sheet for AP Physics 2

Download the Equation Sheet for AP Physics 2.

Advanced Physics 2 Lab Manual Lab Titles

1 - Hydrostatic Pressure 9 - Electric Field Mapping
2 - Buoyant Force 10 - Magnetic Fields
3 - Fluid Dynamics 11 - Magnetic Field Strength
4 - Boyle’s Law 12 - Electromagnetic Induction
5 - Spherical Mirror Reflection 13- Capacitor Fundamentals
6 - Snell’s Law 14 - Series and Parallel Capacitors
7 - Focal Length of a Converging Lens 15 - RC Circuits
8 - Interference and Diffraction 16 - Planck’s Constant
Three Levels of Scientific Inquiry

Every lab is provided in three formats—Structured, Guided Inquiry, and Student Designed—allowing you to choose the level of inquiry that’s right for your physics course. All versions include identical Analysis and Synthesis Questions that reflect questions posed on the AP Physics 2 exam.

  1. Structured: This traditional format includes background reading, a driving question, and step-by-step instructions for both the setup and procedure. The Structured format fully supports students, walking them through the entirety of the lab—from setup to displaying and analyzing data.
  2. Guided Inquiry: The Guided Inquiry format does not have a background section, step-by-step setup or procedure. Instead, it poses questions to help guide students as they design their own experiment, choose how to present their data, and, ultimately, address the lab’s driving question.
  3. Student Designed: This open-ended format consists of a driving question, an objective statement, and a suggested equipment list. Students are expected to develop and execute their own experimental design with little or no guidance from the student handout. They choose how to present their data in a way that supports their answer to the driving question, while ensuring they fulfill the lab objective.

Hydrostatic Pressure

How is static pressure related to depth in a column of water? In this investigation, students use a Wireless Pressure Sensor to measure the static pressure at different depths in a column of water and use their data to determine the mathematical relationship between static pressure and depth in a fluid.

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  • Pressure is the force applied to a fluid per unit area.
  • Gauge pressure is the absolute pressure minus the atmospheric pressure.
  • Density is the mass per unit volume of a fluid.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.C.4.1: Make claims about various contact forces between objects based on the microscopic cause of those forces.

3.C.4.2: Explain contact forces (tension, friction, normal, buoyant, spring) as arising from interatomic electric forces and that they therefore have certain directions.

Science Practices 6.1, 6.2

Teaching Tools

Lab Station Physics Bundle

Physics Lab Stations

Explore all of Physics 2—plus many topics from AP Physics 1— with our expandable Physics Lab Stations.

Buoyant Force

In this hands-on lab, students use the Smart Cart’s force sensor to measure the buoyant force on a metal cylinder as it’s lowered into a fluid. Then, they determine the relationship between the buoyant force and a) its volume and b) the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged object.

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  • Newton's Second Law: the sum of the forces acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration.
  • Free body diagrams and force vectors.
Big Ideas Systems (SYS)
Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

1.E.1.2: Select from experimental data the information necessary to determine the density of an object and/or compare densities of several objects.

3.C.4.2:Explain contact forces (tension, friction, normal, buoyant, spring) as arising from interatomic electric forces and that they therefore have certain directions.

Science Practices 4.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.2

Fluid Dynamics

How does the height of a fluid column relate to the exit velocity of the fluid at the bottom of the column? This lab challenges students to uncover the answer experimentally using a water reservoir, basin, and a meter stick.

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  • Kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and conservation of energy.
  • Deriving equations of motion for projectiles
Big Idea Conservation (CON)
Learning Objectives

5.B.10.1: Make calculations related to a moving fluid using Bernoulli’s equation.

5.B.10.3: Make calculations related to a moving fluid using Bernoulli’s equation and the continuity equation.

5.B.10.4: Construct an explanation of Bernoulli’s equation in terms of the conservation of energy.

Science Practices 2.2, 6.2

Teaching Tools

Physics Lab Station: Fluids

Physics Lab Station: Fluids

Investigate fluid dynamics, buoyant force, and Boyle’s law with Physics Lab Station: Fluids.

Boyle’s Law

In this hands-on investigation, students investigate Boyle’s law using a pressure sensor and a syringe. They create plots of pressure versus volume and analyze their results to determine the inverse proportionality between the pressure and volume of an enclosed gas.

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  • The kinetic molecular theory describes gases as a large number of molecules in constant motion, colliding with each other and with the walls of their container.
  • Gas pressure P is a measure of the average force F exerted by these collisions on a given area A of the container wall: $ P = F/A $.
  • The first law of thermodynamics states that a change to the internal energy of a system is given by $ ∆U = Q + W $, where Q is the energy transferred to the system by heating and W is the work done on the system.
  • The work done on a gas is defined by $ W = –P∆V $, where P is the pressure and ∆V is the change in volume.
Big Ideas Conservation (CON)
Probability (PRO)
Learning Objectives

5.B.7.2: Create a plot of pressure versus volume for a thermodynamic process from given data.

7.A.3.2: Design a plan for collecting data to determine the relationships between pressure, volume, and temperature, and/or the amount of an ideal gas; and to refine a scientific question proposing an incorrect relationship between the variables.

7.A.3.3: Analyze graphical representations of macroscopic variables for an ideal gas to determine the relationships between these variables and to ultimately determine the ideal gas law $ PV = nRT $.

Science Practices 1.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.1

Spherical Mirror Reflection

How can we determine the radius of curvature for a mirror? In this experiment, students use an optics light source, optics track, and a half screen to measure the image and object distances associated with the real image formed by a concave spherical mirror. They apply the principles of reflection and the spherical mirror equation to determine the mirror’s radius of curvature.

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  • Specular reflection is the reflection of light from a smooth reflecting surface where the incident light and reflected light form the same angle relative to a line normal to the surface. This is also known as the Law of Reflection. Specular reflection assumes that the point at which each light ray is incident is perfectly flat and the normal line is perpendicular to the surface at that point.
  • The difference between real images and virtual images formed by mirrors.
  • Drawing ray diagrams using curved and flat mirrors.
  • The spherical mirror equation and its variables.
Big Idea Waves (WAV)
Learning Objectives

6.E.4.1: Plan data collection strategies and perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence about the formation of images due to reflection of light from curved spherical mirrors.

6.E.4.2: Use quantitative and qualitative representations and models to analyze situations and solve problems about image formation occurring due to the reflection of light from surfaces.

Science Practices 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Teaching Tools

Physics Lab Station: Optics

Physics Lab Station: Optics

Support student studies of optics concepts—ranging from focal length to Snell’s law—with Physics Lab Station: Optics.

Snell’s Law

In this lab investigation, students apply the principles of refraction and Snell's law to experimentally determine the index of refraction of a transparent medium. They use a Basic Optics Ray Table to measure the incident and refraction angles of a light ray traveling from air into a material with an unknown index of refraction.

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  • The index of refraction n of a transparent material is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum c and the speed of light inside the transparent material v.
  • Light crossing a boundary between two transparent materials will experience a direction change if the speed of light within those media is different. This is known as refraction, and can be quantified using the equation known as Snell’s law.
Big Idea Waves (WAV)
Learning Objectives

6.E.3.2: Plan data collection strategies as well as perform data analysis and evaluation of the evidence for finding the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction for light crossing boundaries from one transparent material to another (Snell’s law).

6.E.3.3: Make claims and predictions about path changes for light traveling across a boundary from one transparent material to another at non-normal angles resulting from changes in the speed of propagation.

Science Practices 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.4, 7.2

Focal Length of a Converging Lens

How can we calculate the focal length of a lens? In this hands-on investigation, students measure the image and object distances associated with the real image formed by a converging lens, and then determine the focal length of the lens.

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  • Refraction: the path and speed of light change as the light crosses a boundary between two transparent media with dissimilar indices of refraction.
  • Real images are formed by the convergence of light waves to produce a focused image visible on a screen.
  • Virtual images are formed by the divergence of light rays and appear as if the image is spatially located behind the lens or mirror.
  • The thin lens equation and its variables.
Big Idea Waves (WAV)
Learning Objectives

6.E.5.1: Use quantitative and qualitative representations and models to analyze situations and solve problems about image formation occurring due to the refraction of light through thin lenses.

6.E.5.2: Plan data collection strategies, perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence, and refine scientific questions about the formation of images due to refraction for thin lenses.

Science Practices 1.4, 2.2, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Teaching Tools

Basic Optics System

PASCO Basic Optics System

Discover the PASCO Basic Optics System—a durable optics system that expands to meet your needs.

Interference and Diffraction

How can the wave nature of light be used to determine the distance between two closely-spaced narrow parallel slits? In this laboratory investigation, students experimentally determine the spacing between the slits in a double-slit aperture using a coherent light source and the principles associated with double-slit interference and diffraction.

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  • Light demonstrates wave properties and can be quantified using characteristics such as wavelength and wave speed.
  • A diffraction pattern can be observed as light waves pass through an opening whose dimensions are comparable to the wavelength.
  • An interference pattern can be observed as light waves pass through a set of openings whose spacing is comparable to the wavelength.
  • Both diffraction and interference are the result of constructive and destructive interference between coherent light waves as they occupy the same space at the same time.
Big Idea Waves (WAV)
Learning Objective

6.C.3.1: Qualitatively apply the wave model to quantities that describe the generation of interference patterns to make predictions about interference patterns that form when waves pass through a set of openings whose spacing and widths are small compared with the wavelength of the waves.

Science Practices 1.4, 6.4

Teaching Tools

Wireless Diffraction System

Wireless Diffraction System

Want picture-perfect diffraction patterns every time? Explore the PASCO Wireless Diffraction System and see the difference!

Electric Field Mapping

How can the characteristics of the electric field surrounding oppositely-charged electrodes in two dipole and parallel plates be determined experimentally? In this hands-on experiment, students use a DC power supply and semi-conductive paper to create dipole and parallel plate electrodes. They then use the principles of electric fields and electric potential energy to determine the shape and direction of the electric field lines in each configuration.

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  • Electric fields are a useful way to model fundamental forces that can be exerted between charged objects at a distance without direct physical contact between the objects.
  • Electric fields can be modeled using an array of vectors that indicate the direction and magnitude of the field at a given point in space.
  • The electric potential difference (voltage) between two points in an electric field indicates the difference in electric potential energy per unit charge between the two points; the amount of energy (work) per unit charge required to move a charge from one point to the other.
Big Idea Fields (FLD)
Learning Objective

2.E.2.1: Determine the structure of isolines of electric potential by constructing them in a given electric field.

Science Practices 6.4, 7.2

Teaching Tools

Field Mapper Kit

Field Mapper Kit

Help students visualize electric fields more easily with the Field Mapper Kit.

Magnetic Fields

How do the characteristics of the magnetic field created by a bar magnet and a current-carrying coil differ? In this lab, students use an AC/DC Electronic Laboratory, power supply, and a Magnaprobe™ wand to determine the shape and direction of the magnetic fields created by a bar magnet and a current-carrying coil. Then they compare the two and identify distinct differences and similarities between them.

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  • Magnetic fields are created by permanent magnets and current-carrying wires.
  • A small magnet (such as the magnetized pointer in a compass) can be used to determine the direction of a magnetic field.
Big Idea Fields (FLD)
Learning Objectives

2.D.2.1: Create a verbal or visual representation of a magnetic field around a straight wire or a pair of parallel wires.

2.D.3.1: Describe the orientation of a magnetic dipole placed in a magnetic field in general and the particular cases of a compass in the magnetic field of Earth and iron filings surrounding a bar magnet.

2.D.4.1: Qualitatively analyze the magnetic behavior of a bar magnet composed of ferromagnetic material.

Science Practices 1.1, 1.2, 1.4

Teaching Tools

Physics Lab Station: Electricity and Magnetism

Physics Lab Station: Electricity and Magnetism

Engage students in the exploration of magnetic and electric fields with Physics Lab Station: Electricity and Magnetism.

Magnetic Field Strength

How is the strength of the magnetic field at the center of a current-carrying coil dependent on the coil current and radius? In this hands-on investigation, students use a 3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor and the AC/DC Electronics laboratory to determine the mathematical relationship between the current, radius, and the magnetic field at the center of the current-carrying coil.

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Students should be familiar with these concepts:

  • Magnetic fields are created by permanent magnets and by current-carrying wires.
  • Magnetic fields can be represented by magnetic field lines to visualize the strength and direction of the magnetic field.
  • The magnetic field at the center of a current-carrying coil can be increased by adding additional loops to the coil.
Big Idea Fields (FLD)
Learning Objective

2.D.2.1: Create a verbal or visual representation of a magnetic field around a straight wire or a pair of parallel wires.

Science Practices 1.1

Teaching Tools

Wireless Magnetic Field Sensor

Wireless Magnetic Field Sensor

Easily measure the strength of magnetic fields—whether they be from the Earth or a current-carrying wire—with the Wireless Magnetic Field Sensor.

Electromagnetic Induction

In this laboratory investigation, students use a voltage sensor to measure the maximum emf induced in a coil as a permanent magnet is dropped through it. They vary the number of loops in the coil and determine how the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil affects both the magnitude and direction of the induced emf.

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  • Electromotive force (emf) refers to the potential difference that causes charge to move (current) through a conducting material, like a wire. Emf is measured in units of volts.
  • Magnetic flux ΦB is a measure of the magnetic field B that passes through a given surface area A. It is often referred to as a measure of relative magnetic field strength and can be illustrated as the density of magnetic field lines that pass through a given surface area.
Big Idea Change (CHA)
Learning Objective

4.E.2.1: Predict which properties determine the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator and what the dependence of the motion is on those properties.Construct an explanation of the function of a simple electromagnetic device in which an induced emf is produced by a changing magnetic flux through an area defined by a current loop (i.e., a simple microphone or generator) or of the effect on behavior of a device in which an induced emf is produced by a constant magnetic field through a changing area.

Science Practices 6.4

Teaching Tools

Wireless Voltage Sensor

Wireless Voltage Sensor

Help students safely explore electrical concepts with real-time data from the Wireless Voltage Sensor.

Capacitor Fundamentals

In this investigation, students construct capacitors from paper and aluminum foil and use a digital capacitance meter to determine how the physical properties of a parallel-plate capacitor affect its ability to store electric charge.

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  • The difference between an electrical conductor and an insulator.
  • Electric force and how electric charges interact.
Big Idea Change (CHA)
Learning Objectives

4.E.4.2: Design a plan for the collection of data to determine the effect of changing the geometry and/or materials on the resistance or capacitance of a circuit element, and relate results to the basic properties of resistors and capacitors.

4.E.4.3: Analyze data to determine the effect of changing the geometry and/or materials on the resistance or capacitance of a circuit element, and relate results to the basic properties of resistors and capacitors.

Science Practices 4.1, 4.2, 5.1

Product Guide

Modular Circuits

Modular Circuits

Skip the wires and get right to the learning with circuit components that mirror textbook models!

Series and Parallel Capacitors

In this investigation, students use a capacitance meter to measure the equivalent capacitance in simple circuits—both in series and in parallel—before determining the equivalent capacitance of capacitors connected in series and parallel.

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  • Series circuits are constructed by connecting components end-to-end, forming one path for current to flow.
  • Parallel circuits are constructed by connecting each component to two common points, allowing multiple paths for current to flow.
  • Capacitors are constructed of two parallel conductive plates separated by an insulator.
  • Capacitors store charge when a potential difference is placed across the capacitor plates.
Big Ideas Change (CHA)
Conservation (CON)
Learning Objectives

4.E.5.3: Plan data collection strategies and perform data analysis to examine the values of currents and potential differences in an electric circuit that is modified by changing or rearranging circuit elements, including sources of emf, resistors, and capacitors.

5.B.9.5: Describe and make predictions regarding electrical potential difference, charge, and current in steady state circuits composed of various combinations of resistors and capacitors using conservation of energy principles (Kirchhoff’s loop rule).

Science Practices 2.2, 4.2, 5.1, 6.4

RC Circuits

This experiment engages students in the exploration of RC circuits using a voltage sensor, current sensor, and the AC/DC Electronics Laboratory. Students construct an RC circuit and determine how the potential differences across the resistors and capacitor change when the capacitor is charging, discharging, or fully charged. Then they determine how these differences alter the current that flows through the various circuit components.

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  • Constructing circuits with components in series and parallel.
  • Connecting a voltage sensor in parallel and a current sensor in series with the component being measured.
  • Identifying resistor values using the color bands printed on the resistors.
  • Resistors are used to control voltage and current, and capacitors are used to store electric charge.
Big Idea Change (CHA)
Learning Objectives

4.E.5.1: Make and justify a quantitative prediction of the effect of a change in values or arrangements of one or two circuit elements on the currents and potential differences in a circuit containing a small number of sources of emf, resistors, capacitors, and switches in series and/or parallel.

4.E.5.2: Make and justify a qualitative prediction of the effect of a change in values or arrangements of one or two circuit elements on currents and potential differences in a circuit containing a small number of sources of emf, resistors, capacitors, and switches in series and/or parallel.

4.E.5.3: Plan data collection strategies and perform data analysis to examine the values of currents and potential differences in an electric circuit that is modified by changing or rearranging circuit elements, including sources of emf, resistors, and capacitors.

Science Practices 2.2, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.4

Teaching Tools

AC/DC Electronics Laboratory

AC/DC Electronics Laboratory

Introduce the fundamentals of basic circuitry with our complete AC/DC Electronics Laboratory.

Planck’s Constant

What is the value of Planck's constant and how can it be determined experimentally? In this lab investigation, students use a voltage sensor and the AC/DC Electronics Laboratory to measure the voltage required to turn on variously colored LEDs. They create plots of turn-on voltage vs. LED frequency and determine the value of Planck’s constant.

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  • Energy transfer occurs when photons are absorbed or emitted, for example, by atoms or nuclei.
  • Light can be characterized as photons that each carry discrete energy $ E_{photon} $ proportional to their frequency $ f $.
Big Idea Waves (WAV)
Learning Objectives

6.F.3.1: Support the photon model of radiant energy with evidence provided by the photoelectric effect.

6.F.4.1: Select a model of radiant energy that is appropriate to the spatial or temporal scale of an interaction with matter.

Science Practices 6.4, 7.1

Explore topics from both AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 with PASCO Physics Lab Stations.

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