The laboratory portion of the College Board AP® Physics 1 course is a crucial component of preparing students for the AP Physics 1 exam. For students, these hands-on experiences help connect concepts to the real world while equipping them with the scientific inquiry, reasoning, and critical thinking skills for future success.

advanced Physics 1 teacher lab manual

Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual

Transform abstract topics into tangible, phenomena-based investigations with fifteen guided inquiry labs for AP Physics 1.

Authored by physics educators, the Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual, includes fifteen guided inquiry labs that cover AP Physics 1 topics such as kinematics and dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, energy and momentum, torque, and rotational motion.

AP Physics 1 Course Alignment

Each investigation addresses at least one Learning Objective and Science Practice for Advanced Placement® Physics, as outlined in the College Board AP® Physics 1: Algebra-Based Course and Exam Description.

This page provides AP Physics 1 alignment details for the labs inside PASCO’s Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual. A complete list of applicable AP Physics 1 Big Ideas, Learning Objectives, and Science Practices is provided for each lab.

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Physics 1 Alignment Sheet

Download the AP Physics 1 Alignment Sheet.

Equation Sheet for AP Physics 1

Download the Equation Sheet for AP Physics 1.

Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual Lab Titles

1 - Graphing Motion 9 - Momentum and Impulse
2 - Newton’s Second Law 10 - Rotational Dynamics
3 - Atwood’s Machine 11 - Rotational Statics
4 - Coefficients of Friction 12 - Periodic Motion: Mass and Spring
5 - Two-Dimensional Motion: Projectiles 13 - Simple Pendulum
6 - Conservation of Mechanical Energy

The Advanced Physics 1 Lab Manual also includes two additional labs: Resonance and Standing Waves and DC Circuits.

These experiments align more closely with topics in the AP® Physics 2 Course Description, which underwent updates in Fall 2020.

7 - Work and Kinetic Energy
8 - Conservation of Momentum
Three Levels of Scientific Inquiry

Each investigation is provided in three formats—Structured, Guided Inquiry, and Student Designed—allowing you to choose the level of inquiry that’s right for your physics course. All versions include identical Analysis and Synthesis Questions designed to help prepare students for the AP Physics 1 exam.

  1. Structured: This traditional format includes background reading, a driving question, and step-by-step instructions for both the setup and procedure. The Structured format fully supports students, walking them through the entirety of the lab—from setup to displaying and analyzing data.
  2. Guided Inquiry: The Guided Inquiry format does not have a background section, step-by-step setup, or procedure. Instead, it poses questions to help guide students as they design their own experiment, choose how to present their data, and, ultimately, address the lab’s driving question.
  3. Student Designed: This open-ended format consists of a driving question, an objective statement, and a suggested equipment list. Students are expected to develop and execute their own experimental design with little or no guidance from the student handout. They choose how to present their data in a way that supports their answer to the driving question, while ensuring they fulfill the lab objective.

Graphing Motion

How are the graphs of position versus time, velocity versus time, and acceleration versus time for an object moving with constant acceleration related? In this lab, students measure the position and velocity of a dynamics cart to determine the relationships between graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration versus time for an object undergoing constant acceleration.

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  • Foundational understanding of displacement, position, velocity, and acceleration
  • Ability to define average velocity, average acceleration, instantaneous velocity, and instantaneous acceleration
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.A.1.1: Express the motion of an object using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.

3.A.1.2: Design an experimental investigation of the motion of an object.

3.A.1.3: Analyze experimental data describing the motion of an object and be able to express the results of the analysis using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.

Science Practices 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2, 5.1

Teaching Tools

Wireless Motion Sensor

Wireless Motion Sensor

Capture and display motion data in real time with the Wireless Motion Sensor.

Newton’s Second Law

What factors affect the acceleration of an object or system? In this lab, students use a Smart Cart to determine the relationship between a system’s mass, acceleration, and the net force being applied to the system.

In this activity, the system of interest consists of two masses that are mechanically connected by a thread. Applying a net force to the system causes changes in the motion of both objects.

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  • Newton’s first law
  • Net force is the vector sum of the forces acting on an object or system.
  • A system is a collection of two or more objects that directly or indirectly affect each other by force and/or change in momentum.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.B.1.1: Predict the motion of an object subject to forces exerted by several objects using an application of Newton’s second law in a variety of physical situations, with acceleration in one dimension.

3.B.1.2: Design a plan to collect and analyze data for motion (static, constant, or accelerating) from force measurement, and carry out an analysis to determine the relationship between the net force and the vector sum of the individual forces.

3.B.1.3: Re-express a free-body diagram into a mathematical representation, and solve the mathematical representation for the acceleration of the object.

3.B.2.1: Create and use free-body diagrams to analyze physical situations to solve problems with motion qualitatively and quantitatively.

Science Practices 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 4.2, 5.1, 6.4, 7.2

Teaching Tools

Lab Station Physics Bundle

Looking for AP Physics 1 equipment?

Perform all fifteen Advanced Physics 1 labs—plus many others—with our expandable Physics Lab Stations.

Atwood’s Machine

For two masses involved in an Atwood’s machine, how does the total mass and the difference between the masses affect their acceleration? In this experiment, students use a photogate and pulley system to determine the mathematical relationship between the acceleration of an Atwood’s machine, the difference between its two masses, and the sum of those two masses.

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  • Determining the acceleration of an object from the slope of its velocity versus time graph
  • Calculating the gravitational force of an object
  • Using the net force on an object and the object’s mass to:
    1) develop a free-body diagram and
    2) derive a mathematical expression for the object’s acceleration in one dimension
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.B.1.1: Predict the motion of an object subject to forces exerted by several objects using an application of Newton’s second law in a variety of physical situations, with acceleration in one dimension.

3.B.1.2: Design a plan to collect and analyze data for motion (static, constant, or accelerating) from force measurement, and carry out an analysis to determine the relationship between the net force and the vector sum of the individual forces.

Science Practices 4.2, 5.1, 6.4, 7.2

Teaching Tools

Super Pulley with Clamp

Super Pulley with Clamp

Easily create an Atwood machine in your lab using the PASCO Super Pulley with Clamp.

Coefficients of Friction

How are the coefficients of kinetic and static friction between two surfaces determined? In this experiment, students use a dynamics cart to determine the static and kinetic friction coefficients between two contacting surfaces.

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  • Friction is a contact force between two surfaces. It opposes the motion of the surfaces.
  • There are two types of frictional force: static and kinetic. Static frictional force is usually greater than kinetic frictional force.
  • Newton’s Second Law: The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on that object.
  • Students should be able to analyze the motion of an object and draw free-body diagrams describing the forces acting on that object.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.C.4.1: Make claims about various contact forces between objects based on the microscopic cause of these forces.

3.C.4.2: Explain contact forces (tension, friction, normal, buoyant, spring) as arising from interatomic electric forces and that they therefore have certain directions.

Science Practices 6.1, 6.2

Two-Dimensional Motion: Projectiles

What is the range of a projectile launched horizontally? In this experiment, students use a photogate and a mini launcher to measure the variables that affect the two-dimensional motion of a projectile launched horizontally. Then, they use those variables to accurately predict and test the projectile’s horizontal range.

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  • The one-dimensional motion of an object moving with constant acceleration can be described using the kinematic equations.
  • The two-dimensional velocity of a projectile is described using component vectors in the vertical and horizontal directions. Each component vector can be analyzed independent from the other, so long as both are constrained to the same timeframe.
  • Students should be able to draw free-body diagrams that include force and component vectors for objects in motion.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.E.1.3: Use force and velocity vectors to determine qualitatively or quantitatively the net force exerted on an object and qualitatively whether the kinetic energy of that object would increase, decrease, or remain unchanged.

3.E.1.4: Apply mathematical routines to determine the change in kinetic energy of an object given the forces on the object and the displacement of the object.

Science Practices 1.4, 2.2

Teaching Tools

PASCO Mini Launcher

PASCO Mini Launcher

Demonstrate the independence of X and Y motion while capturing student attention with the PASCO Mini Launcher!

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

How do the potential and kinetic energies of a closed system in motion change when a conservative force is applied? In this investigation, students use a Smart Cart and a dynamics track to explore how the kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and total mechanical energy of a cart/earth system changes as the cart rolls down an inclined track.

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  • Conservative forces are those which store energy in a useful form when objects within a system interact. Examples of conservative forces include gravity, gravitational potential energy, and friction.
  • Newton’s Second Law of Motion for linear motion states that a net force causes an object to accelerate.
  • Objects near earth’s surface accelerate due to the gravitational field, with a magnitude of 9.8 m/s2.
Big Idea Conservation (CON)
Learning Objectives

5.B.4.1: Describe and make predictions about the internal energy of systems.

5.B.4.2: Calculate changes in kinetic energy and potential energy of a system using information from representations of that system.

Science Practices 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 6.4, 7.2

Work and Kinetic Energy

How is the work done on an object by a force related to the change in that object’s kinetic energy? In this lab, students use a Smart Cart dynamics system to investigate the relationship between the change in kinetic energy of an object experiencing a nonzero net force and the work done by that net force on the object. Then, students use their experimental data to establish a measurement-based relationship between work and kinetic energy.

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  • Kinetic energy is a component of an object’s total mechanical energy and is equal to 1/2$\large mv^2$, where $\large m$ is the object’s mass and $\large v$ is the object’s speed.
  • Conservative forces are forces that do work on an object regardless of the path the object is moved through. The net work done on an object whose total displacement is zero, is also zero. Gravity is a conservative force.
  • Positive work is only done on an object by the component of a nonzero net force acting in the direction of the object's displacement.
Big Idea Change (CHA)
Learning Objectives

4.C.2.1: Make predictions about the changes in the mechanical energy of a system when a component of an external force acts parallel or antiparallel to the direction of the displacement of the center of mass.

4.C.2.2: Apply the concepts of conservation of energy and the work-energy theorem to determine qualitatively and/or quantitatively that work done on a two-object system in linear motion will change the kinetic energy of the center of mass of the system, the potential energy of the systems, and/or the internal energy of the system.

Science Practices 1.4, 2.2, 6.4, 7.2

Teaching Tools

Wireless Smart Cart

Enhance your physics labs with the patented Smart Cart

Make live measurements of force, position, velocity, and acceleration—on or off track!

Conservation of Momentum

How does a collision affect the total linear momentum and kinetic energy of a two-object system? In this investigation, students use a Smart Cart dynamics system to demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum and kinetic energy in an elastic collision. They compare their results with those from an inelastic collision, finding that linear momentum is conserved, but kinetic energy is not.

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  • The momentum of an object is equal to the product of its mass and velocity. For a system that is not influenced by outside forces, the total momentum of the system is conserved. This extends to objects experiencing two types of collisions: elastic and inelastic.
  • An elastic collision is a type of collision in which the objects involved in the collision bounce off each other without the loss of kinetic energy from the total object system.
  • An inelastic collision is a collision type in which the system consisting of the objects involved in the collision experiences a loss of kinetic energy due to other changes in the system, such as the objects sticking to each other or the deformation of the objects in the collision. These interactions convert some kinetic energy to thermal energy.
  • Kinetic energy is a component of an object's total mechanical energy.
Big Idea Conservation (CON)
Learning Objectives

5.D.1.3: Apply mathematical routines appropriately to problems involving elastic collisions in one dimension and justify the selection of those mathematical routines based on conservation of momentum and restoration of kinetic energy.

5.D.2.2: Plan data-collection strategies to test the law of conservation of momentum in a two-object collision that is elastic or inelastic and analyze the resulting data graphically.

5.D.2.4: Analyze data that verify conservation of momentum in collisions with and without an external frictional force.

Science Practices 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3

Teaching Tools

PASCO Physics Lab Stations

PASCO Physics Lab Stations

Explore energy, conservation of momentum, and more with PASCO Physics Lab Stations.

Momentum and Impulse

How is the impulse imparted to an object in a collision related to the object’s change in momentum? In this lab, students investigate the relationship between the change in momentum of a cart undergoing a collision and the impulse imparted to the cart to change its momentum. They use their trial data to establish a measurement-based relationship between change in momentum and impulse.

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  • Momentum is a vector quantity defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. The momentum of an object can only be changed when a nonzero net force is imparted to the object.
  • Impulse is a vector quantity. For constant forces acting on an object, impulse is equal to the product of the force acting on the object and the time interval during which the force is acting.
  • For variable forces acting on an object, impulse is equal to the area under the force versus time curve representing the interaction, which can be simplified to the product of the average of the variable force and the time interval during which the force is acting.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.D.2.3: Analyze data to characterize the change in momentum of an object from the average force exerted on the object and the interval of time during which the force is exerted.

3.D.2.4: Design a plan for collecting data to investigate the relationship between changes in momentum and the average force exerted on an object over time.

Science Practices 4.2, 5.1

Teaching Tools

PASCO Dynamics Systems

PASCO Dynamics Systems

Equip your lab for less with PASCO Dynamics Systems! Visit the Dynamics System Configuration Guide to find your ideal system in five minutes or less.

Rotational Dynamics

How does net torque affect the angular acceleration of an object rotating with constant rotational inertia? In this experiment, students use a rotary motion sensor to determine the mathematical relationship between torque, rotational inertia, and the angular acceleration of a rotating object.

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  • Torque is equal to the product of the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to an applied force and the magnitude of the applied force.
  • The rotational inertia of point masses increases with increasing distance from the axis of rotation.
  • The total rotational inertia of a combination of rigid bodies, mechanically connected, is equal to the sum of their individual rotational inertias assuming the axis of rotation is the same for all.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.F.2.1: Make predictions about the change in the angular velocity about an axis for an object when forces exerted on the object cause a torque about that axis.

3.F.2.2: Plan data-collection and analysis strategies designed to test the relationship between a torque exerted on an object and the change in angular velocity of that object about an axis.

3.A.1.3: Analyze experimental data describing the motion of an object and be able to express the results of the analysis using narrative, mathematical, and graphical representations.

Science Practices 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.4

Teaching Tools

Wireless Rotary Motion Sensor

Wireless Rotary Motion Sensor

Bring live measurements to a variety of rotational motion labs with the Wireless Rotary Motion Sensor.

Rotational Statics

What is the net force and net torque of an object in static equilibrium? In this investigation, students use the Smart Cart’s force sensor and tension protractors to demonstrate that the sum of the forces acting on an object in static translational equilibrium is equal to zero. Similarly, the sum of the torques acting on an object in static rotational equilibrium is also equal to zero.

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Students should be familiar with these concepts:

  • Drawing free-body force diagrams
  • Newton’s Second Law for translational motion
  • A rigid body or system is an extended object whose shape and size remain constant when it moves.
  • Torque is the rotational equivalent of force.
  • Torque is a vector quantity with direction parallel to the axis of rotation.
  • For calculations involving torque, the entire weight of an object can be considered to act at a single point, the center of gravity or center of mass of the object.
  • A torque is positive when it is applied in the counterclockwise direction and negative when it is applied in the clockwise direction.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.F.1.1: Use representations of the relationship between force and torque.

3.F.1.2: Compare the torques on an object caused by various forces.

3.F.1.3: Estimate the torque on an object caused by various forces in comparison with other situations.

3.F.1.4: Design an experiment and analyze data testing a question about torques in a balanced rigid system.

3.F.1.5: Calculate torques on a two-dimensional system in static equilibrium by examining a representation or model (such as a diagram or physical construction).

Science Practices 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1

Teaching Tools

Meter Stick Torque Set

Meter Stick Torque Set

Investigate torque, rotational statics, and more with our award-winning Meter Stick Torque Set.

Periodic Motion: Mass and Spring

What variables affect the period of oscillation for a mass and spring system? In this experiment, students use a Smart Cart to determine the physical properties of a vertical mass and spring system that affect its period of oscillation. Then, they use their data to support a mathematical model of the relationship between period, mass, and spring constant.

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Students should be familiar with these concepts:

  • Hooke’s Law
  • Newton’s Second Law
  • The graphical connection between position, velocity, and acceleration versus time graphs.
  • How to sketch a velocity versus time graph based on the shape of a corresponding position versus time graph.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.B.3.1: Predict which properties determine the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator and what the dependence of the motion is on those properties.

3.B.3.2: Design a plan and collect data in order to ascertain the characteristics of the motion of a system undergoing oscillatory motion caused by a restoring force.

3.B.3.3: Analyze data to identify qualitative and quantitative relationships between given values and variables (i.e., force, displacement, acceleration, velocity, period of motion, frequency, spring constant, string length, mass) associated with objects in oscillatory motion and use those data to determine the value of an unknown.

3.B.3.4: Construct a qualitative and/or quantitative explanation of oscillatory behavior given evidence of a restoring force.

Science Practices 2.2, 4.2, 5.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.2

Teaching Tools

Mass and Hanger Set

Mass & Hanger Set

Vary mass in a variety of labs with this durable Mass & Hanger Set.

Simple Pendulum

What variables affect the period of a pendulum? In this experiment, students use a photogate and pendulum to determine the physical properties of a simple pendulum that affect its period. Then, they use their data to support a mathematical model that relates period to pendulum arm length.

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Students should be familiar with these concepts:

  • The basic concept of periodic motion as a result of a restoring force.
  • Period is a quantity that describes the time it takes a pendulum to complete one full cycle of motion
  • The graphical connection between position, velocity, and acceleration versus time graphs.
  • How to sketch a velocity versus time graph based on the shape of a corresponding position versus time graph.
Big Idea Force Interactions (INT)
Learning Objectives

3.B.3.1: Predict which properties determine the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator and what the dependence of the motion is on those properties.

3.B.3.2: Design a plan and collect data in order to ascertain the characteristics of the motion of a system undergoing oscillatory motion caused by a restoring force.

3.B.3.3: Analyze data to identify qualitative and quantitative relationships between given values and variables (i.e., force, displacement, acceleration, velocity, period of motion, frequency, spring constant, string length, mass) associated with objects in oscillatory motion and use those data to determine the value of an unknown.

Science Practices 2.2, 4.2, 5.1, 6.4, 7.2

Perform all these labs—plus more than a dozen AP Physics 2 labs—with PASCO Physics Lab Stations.

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