Advanced Placement / Chemistry

A Chemistry Mystery: Name That Unknown!

Students use several methods to characterize compounds according to the nature of intramolecular...

Advanced Placement / Chemistry

Separating Food Dyes Using Chromatography

Students use paper and column chromatography to separate colored food dyes in a common grape-flavored...

Advanced Placement / Chemistry

How Much Acid is in Your Fruit Juice?

Students use titration and a pH sensor to study the organic acid content of fruit juices.

Advanced Placement / Chemistry

How Hard is Your Tap Water?

Students use conductometric titration and gravimetry to determine how much calcium carbonate is in a sample of tap water.

Advanced Placement / Chemistry

Investigating the Copper Content of Brass (Colorimeter)

This lab extends knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum, spectrometry and colorimetry. Students...

Advanced Placement / Chemistry

Analysis of Food Dyes in Sports Drinks

Students use a colorimeter to quantify the amount of food dye in a sports drink.

College / Physics

Vector Addition

The purpose of this experiment is to use a force table to experimentally determine the force that balances two other forces. This result is checked by...

College / Physics

Work and Kinetic Energy

How is the work done on an object by a force related to the change in that object's kinetic energy? Investigate the relationship between the change in...

College / Physics

Speed and Velocity Graphs

Use a Smart Cart to perform a conceptual exploration of graphs of speed versus velocity.

College / Physics

Momentum and Impulse

How is the impulse imparted to an object in a collision related to the change in momentum of the object? Investigate the relationship between the change...

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