College / Physics

Ampere’s Law

In this experiment, we will verify Ampere’s Law experimentally by graphing the magnetic field strength that is tangent to the path taken along a closed...

High School / Physics

Smart Cart Out of the Box Experiments

A collection of quick experiments you can perform with the Smart Cart.

High School / Physics

Investigating Environmental Radiation

Students use a Geiger counter to measure the radioactivity of a sample of their choosing. They measure...

High School / Biology

Osmotic Movement of Water

Students use the Diffusion-Osmosis Apparatus and Pressure Sensors to explore the osmotic movement of water across a semipermeable membrane.

High School / ChemistryPhysics

Radioactive Decay and Half-Life

Students measure the counts coming from a sample of Ba - 137m with a Geiger counter. They answer questions about radioactive decay and half-life during...

High School / ChemistryPhysics

Types of Radiation

Students use a Geiger counter to measure the background radiation to calibrate the measurements of radiation source disks. They measure the count through...

College / ChemistryPhysics

Modeling Absorption of Radiation

Students use a Geiger counter to measure the radiation from a radioactive sample of Sr-90. They use the radiation absorption equation to predict the counts...

High School / ChemistryPhysics

Determining the Relationship Between Distance and Radiation Count

Students measure the radiation count rate as a function of distance. They use their measurements...

College / Physics

Sound of Vibrating Strings

We will explore qualitatively how string tension, length, and linear density affect the sound of the vibrating string. Then we will take measurements for...

College / Physics

Coupled Pendulum

Two pendula are coupled by a spring. This system has two natural modes: 1. The two pendula swing in phase with each other. 2. The two pendula swing 180...

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