Elementary / Earth ScienceElementary Science

Monitoring Weather

Students investigate weather throughout the course of the day and look for patterns and relationships using their collected data.

Elementary / Elementary SciencePhysical Science


Students learn how to describe motion by competing against the clock to complete various exercises using a motion sensor and the free MatchGraph app.

Elementary / Earth Science

How a Greenhouse Works: Heat

Using a temperature sensor, students investigate how heat inside a model greenhouse if affected by changes to the covering materials on the box.

Elementary / Earth Science

How a Greenhouse Works: Light

Students change the angle at which light strikes a model greenhouse and measure its intensity.

High School / Chemistry

Phase Change

Students will use a wireless temperature sensor to determine the effect of phase change on the temperature of a substance.

High School / ChemistryPhysical Science

Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds

Students will use hardness, melting point, solubility, and conductivity to determine the bond type...

High School / ChemistryPhysical Science

pH of Household Chemicals

Students will use a pH sensor to determine the pH of common household substances.

Middle School / Physical Science

Archimedes' Principle

In this lab, students will use force sensors to measure the change in gravitational force on an object in the air and on that same object immersed in water.

Middle School / Physical Science

Boyle's Law

In this lab, students will use absolute pressure sensors to investigate how changes in the volume of a confined gas with constant temperature affects pressure.

Middle School / Physical Science

Conservation of Matter

In this lab, students will use temperature and absolute pressure sensors to measure changes in temperature and pressure during an oxidation reaction.

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