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Showing 9 experiments that use the Basic Modular Circuits Kit.

High School / PhysicsSTEM

Blockly Extension: Making a Battery Tester

Students create a Blockly program that tests a battery using measurements from a voltage sensor and...

High School / Physics

Capacitors and RC Circuits

Students construct a circuit that charges and discharges a large capacitor through a light bulb. They create a model for their observations and test the...

High School / Physics

DC Circuits

Students construct a circuit consisting of two resistors in series and then in parallel. They measure the voltage across the resistors, and the current...

High School / Physics

Ohm's Law

Students measure the current and voltage across a resistor while varying the output voltage, A graph of voltage versus current will reveal Ohm's Law. This...

High School / Physics

Electricity and Circuits

How do you build a circuit? The Modular Circuits kit provides an easy and quick way to prototype and design electronic circuits. This investigation explores...

High School / Physics

Voltage and Batteries

How do you connect batteries to increase their total voltage? When Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery, he connected several individual...

High School / Physics

Resistors and Ohm’s Law

How is resistance measured? Ohm's law I = V/R is the fundamental relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit. Devices that measure...

High School / Physics

Series and Parallel Resistances

What are the advantages and disadvantages of series versus parallel circuits? Have you ever had a string of holiday lights where one bulb is burned out,...

High School / Physics

Electrical Power

How is power related to energy? What determines the power rating of a device? Electrical devices are commonly rated in units of power, such as a 100-W...

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