Showing 55 experiments that use the Smart Cart (Red).

Advanced Placement / Physics

Work and Kinetic Energy

Students use a Smart Cart and dynamics system to investigate the relationship between the change in kinetic energy of an object experiencing a non-zero...

Advanced Placement / Physics

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Students use a Smart Cart and dynamics system to explore how the kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and total mechanical energy of a cart/earth...

Advanced Placement / Physics

Coefficients of Friction

Students use a Smart Cart to determine the static and kinetic friction coefficients between two contacting surfaces.

Advanced Placement / Physics

Newton's Second Law

Students use a Smart Cart to determine the relationship between a system’s mass, acceleration, and the net force being applied to the system.

Advanced Placement / Physics

Graphing Motion

Students measure the position and velocity of a cart on a track to determine the relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration versus time...

Advanced Placement / Physics

Buoyant Force

Students use the Smart Cart force sensor to measure the buoyant force on a metal cylinder lowered into a fluid and then determine the relationship between...

High School / Physics

Graphs of Motion

What do graphs of motion look like? The Smart Cart is a device that displays its motion—position, velocity, and acceleration—on your computer in real-time...

High School / Physics

Acceleration on a Ramp

What is acceleration and how does it relate to speed and velocity? A car rolling down a ramp accelerates. A car given an initial velocity up a ramp accelerates...

High School / Physics

Newton's Second Law

How is an object’s acceleration related to the net force acting on the object? When the forces acting on an object are unbalanced, the object accelerates....

High School / Physics

A Model for Accelerated Motion

How can a velocity versus time graph be used to determine displacement? An object’s position changes as it accelerates.

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