Middle School / Physical ScienceSTEM

Nightlight: Loops and Conditions

Students will use the Engineering Design Process, Blockly coding, and materials from the //control.Node and Control Kit to create a model of a working...

Middle School / Life ScienceSTEM

Program a Sunny Day for Plants

In this investigation, students use a //control.Node, a PASCO Grow Light, an EcoChamber lid and Blockly code to write a program that controls light output...

Middle School / EngineeringSTEM

Roving Off Line with the PASCObot

In this investigation students experiment with the PASCObot Line Follower intensity measurements to understand the effect of placing the opposite color...

Middle School / EngineeringSTEM

Roving the Line with the PASCObot

In this investigation students experiment with the PASCObot Line Follower to determine what color tape will work the best. They experiment to find the...

Middle School / EngineeringPhysical ScienceSTEM

Roving on Hills with the PASCObot

In this investigation students experiment with the PASCObot to find out how it responds to climbing a hill. They experiment with the accelerometer to learn...

Middle School / EngineeringSTEM

Roving with Sight with the PASCObot

In this investigation students experiment with the PASCObot Range Finder to learn how to use it to detect obstacles. They program it to detect obstacles...

Middle School / EngineeringSTEM

Roving with Touch with the PASCObot

In this investigation students program the PASCObot to move at a specified speed. They program it to detect obstacles using the built-in accelerometer...

Middle School / EngineeringSTEM

Roving with the PASCObot

In this investigation students program the PASCObot to move specified distances and turn right or left. They learn how to import functions from the code...

Middle School / Physical ScienceSTEM

Computational Modeling: Force on Impact

Students will investigate the relationship between force and acceleration as well as create a mathematical...

Middle School / Physical ScienceSTEM

Blockly Extension: pH

Students use a pH sensor and Blockly coding software to create a program that identifies acidic and basic solutions. Additionally, students are introduced...

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