Showing 27 experiments that use the Wireless CO₂ Sensor (Carbon Dioxide).

Advanced Placement / Environmental Science

Cellular Respiration and Carbon Cycle

In this lab, students use a carbon dioxide sensor to compare the respiration of dormant bean seeds...

Advanced Placement / Environmental Science

Determining Soil Quality

In this lab, students will collect and analyze three soil samples to determine their quality based on macro and microscopic observations, CO2 production,...

Advanced Placement / Environmental Science

Toxicology Using Yeast

In this lab, students will use a carbon dioxide gas sensor and pH sensor to evaluate pH's role in toxicity and the role of cell culture in toxicology studies.

High School / Environmental Science

Determining Soil Quality

In this lab, students use carbon dioxide, conductivity, and pH sensors to determine the quality of different soil samples.

High School / Environmental Science

Respiration of Germinating Seeds

In this lab, students will monitor the respiration rate of germinating seeds in different conditions. Then, they'll analyze their data as it pertains to...

High School / Environmental Science

Plant Respiration and Photosynthesis

In this lab, students will monitor a plant's carbon exchange within a closed system in both light and dark conditions to determine the dominant metabolic...

High School / Environmental Science

Modeling an Ecosystem

In this lab, students will design and study three, small ecosystems. Students will manipulate system interactions while monitoring gas exchange, environmental...

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